Viagem Educacional: Uma Estratégia de Aprendizagem




This article was the result of research that aimed to analyze the use of the Educational Travel (EV) strategy in the learning process, from the perspective of learning facilitators in the Project Development of Management of Residency Programs and Preceptorship in the Unified Hospital Health System Lebanese Syrian (DGPSUS/PROADI-HSL). This educational strategy aims to include emotion as an essential attribute in the teaching-learning process that transforms practices. This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, developed during the training course for supporters and facilitators of the DGPSUS project, 2nd triennium 2021-2023. To produce research data, focus groups were held with learning facilitators. From the content analysis, 04 categories were constructed: 1. Learning in the emotional field; 2. Environment in which the Educational Trip takes place; 3. Educational Trip: space for expression and learning; 4. Experiences of the facilitator in the Educational Travel strategy. In the analysis, the strategy proved to be powerful in mobilizing several senses, including the emotion of the subjects involved. This set of skills helps build the emotional climate and group development. VE was also highlighted by the facilitators as a powerful strategy for enabling the building of bonds with students, however the unpredictability, which can arise when sharing emotions, can generate insecurity, discomfort and challenge for the facilitators.


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