Evaluation of the Kinetic of Cu2+ Adsorption in the PVA Membranes Crosslinked with Sulfosuccinic and Citric Acids
https://doi.org/10.47385/cadunifoa.v16.n47.3813Palabras clave:
Membranes, Poly (Vinyl Alcohol), Copper Adsorption, CrosslinkedResumen
Membrane of Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) crosslinked with sulfosuccinic acid (SSA) and citric acid (CA) were characterized for the adsorption of copper ions (Cu2+). Usually the membranes used for this application have inorganic materials in their structure. However, when using only these acids, it was verified that the membrane containing SSA presents less swelling than the PVA and absorbs a higher content of Cu2+ when compared to the membrane containing CA. Therefore, it can be assumed that the membrane containing SSA can be used to cover soils that need protection against this type of ion. leaching. Kinetic models of diffusional and chemical control were used to understand the interaction phenomena of adsorption of ions and membranes. The mixed control kinetic model was also evaluated, in which it was possible to evaluate different parameters regarding the interaction ions and membranes. The obtained results indicated that the developed process has relevant utility. The kinetic modeling results contribute to a better understanding of heating phenomena of adsorption and also to the development of new cleaner technologies.
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