The role of the globalisation process on mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions of Latin American & Caribbean countries


  • Matheus Koengkan ¹CEFAGE-UE and Department of Economics, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal ²Rectory, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro,Vila Real, Portugal
  • José Alberto Fuinhas ¹NECE-UBI, CeBER, and Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra,Coimbra,Portugal



Energy, Climate change, Globalisation, Renewable energy, Policies.


The impact of globalisation on carbon dioxide emissions was analysed in a panel data of thirteen LAC countries for the period from 1991 to 2012. A panel autoregressive distributed lag methodology was used to decompose the total effects of globalisation on carbon dioxide emissions both in short- and long-run components. There is evidence that globalisation contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the long-run. A possible explanation of this result is that the process of globalisation causes technological enhancement in LAC countries, which contributes to a decrease in environmental degradation. Globalisation has other implications, such as the transfer of responsibility from the state to the private sector, where this transfer corresponds to the shifting of regulatory attributes to independent governmental regulatory authorities, in other words, “regulation for competition”.


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Biografia do Autor

Matheus Koengkan, ¹CEFAGE-UE and Department of Economics, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal ²Rectory, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro,Vila Real, Portugal

PhD in (Economics) at the University of Évora, Évora (Portugal), Masters (in Economics) from the University of Beira Interior. He is a researcher in the areas of Latin American and the Caribbean studies, macroeconomics, energy economics and environmental economics at Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics of the Universidade de Évora (CEFAGE-UÉ). He has published in international journals, such as Energy; Environmental Economics and Policy Studies; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; and Environment Systems and Decisions.

José Alberto Fuinhas, ¹NECE-UBI, CeBER, and Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra,Coimbra,Portugal

PhD (in Economics) is a professor of monetary and financial economics, and intermediate econometrics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (Portugal). He is a researcher in the areas of macroeconomics and energy economics, at the (CeBER) - Centre for Business and Economics Research, and (NECE-UBI) - Research Unit in Business Science and Economics, sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology. He has published in international journals, such as Energy, Economic Modelling; Energy Policy; and Energy Economics.


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Como Citar

KOENGKAN, Matheus; FUINHAS, José Alberto. The role of the globalisation process on mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions of Latin American & Caribbean countries. Cadernos UniFOA, Volta Redonda, v. 16, n. 45, 2021. DOI: 10.47385/cadunifoa.v16.n45.3374. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.



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