The nexus between consumption of biofuels and economic growth: An empirical evidence from Brazil


  • Matheus Koengkan Department of Economics Federal Fluminense University


Palabras clave:

Energy economics, Renewable energy, Biofuels, Econometric, Nexus.


This study investigates the nexus between consumption of biofuels and economic growth in Brazil during the period of 1990 to 2015. The vector autoregressive (VAR) was applied. The preliminary tests proved the presence of multicollinearity and the existence of unit root in the variables. The results of VAR model indicated the existence of a bidirectional relationship between consumption of biofuels and economic growth, consumption of oil and economic growth, and consumption of biofuels and oil. These results are an opportunity to the policies makers change the energy matrix with the introduction of more renewable energy sources in order to reduce the environmental degradation. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Matheus Koengkan, Department of Economics Federal Fluminense University

PhD. Student in Economics by Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Master's degree by University of Beira Interior (UBI), Postgraduate in Controlling and Finance by Federal Fluminense University (UFF), and Bachelor's degree in Accounting by Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda (UniFOA). Currently, researcher in Energy Economics, Financial, and Environment in University of Beira Interior (UBI), and reviewer in Revista Brasileira de Energias Renováveis (RBER) (Brazilian's Journal of Renewable Energy). 


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Cómo citar

KOENGKAN, Matheus. The nexus between consumption of biofuels and economic growth: An empirical evidence from Brazil. Cadernos UniFOA, Volta Redonda, v. 12, n. 35, p. 87–98, 2018. DOI: 10.47385/cadunifoa.v12.n35.492. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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