Inteligência artificial e a função do direito

perspectivas do funcionalismo jurídico e tecnológico




The present study aims to highlight the necessary correlation between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and legal functionalism in Brazilian and contemporary societies. It is discussed whether the role of law, as a subsystem, is compromised by the incessant development of this innovation. Based on theoretical-bibliographic, legal and comparative research, the place occupied by artificial intelligence among the elements of the legal relationship is studied, which is seen as necessary to build a model of legal regulation of artificial intelligence. Technological development is presented as a necessary condition in modern societies, which requires the combined efforts of representatives of humanitarian and technical knowledge, the search for a language for its communication and coordination, and the creation of integrative cognitive approaches. It is concluded that, in the face of so many challenges, artificial intelligence appears as an alternative for carrying out activities in the legal sphere, that is, as a path of no return and as a valid resource for solving the different structural problems arising from legal processes.


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Author Biographies

Sirlei Aparecida Oliveira Bubnoff, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda, UniFOA

Graduação em Economia, Mestrado em Ciencias area de teoria dos jogos e pesquisa recursos energeticos, Doutorada Ciencias - area de pesquisa recursos energeticos petróleo e gás.

Pesquisadora em economia mineral enfase em sustentabilidade ambiental e comércio justo. Tendo interesse em economia dos recursos energeticos.

Professora das seguintes disciplinas: gestão de projetos, gestão de qualidade, microeconomia, macroeconomia, principios de economia, economia do petróleo, inovação tecnologica.

Dimitry Valerievtch Bubnoff

Industrial engineer, master and doctor. Translator and writer.

