The influence of aging treatment on the microstructural and mechanical behavior by ultra-micro hardness tester in Ni-rich NiTi alloy
Shape Memory alloys. NiTi. Thermomechanical Process. Synchrotron Radiation. Heat Treatments.Abstract
The present study aims to assess the superelasticity behavior in Ni-rich NiTi alloy wire produced by rotary forging process. The thermomechanical process involved four steps of hot working at 800ºC, two steps of cold working with solution heat treatment at 800ºC between them, and subsequently a solution heat treatment (950ºC during 2 hours) followed by aging treatment at 350, 400 and 450 ºC during 30 minutes. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and instrumented ultra-micro hardness testers evaluated the present phase at each aged sample and were compared with their mechanical behavior. The results put in evidence the work-hardening effect on a forged condition associated with the final step of cold rotary forging. The solution treatment promotes stress relaxation and precipitate dissolution. The sample heat-treated shows the presence of the precipitated (Ni4Ti3) and R phase. The presence of these precipitates is beneficial because precipitation-hardening increases the yield strength of austenite, which in turn contributes to better functional stability.
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