Jornal dos Sports as spokesperson

sports press and the construction of public stadium in Rio de Janeiro (1947-1950)




Futebol, Maracanã, Mario Filho, Imprensa esportiva


This article describes the role of the sports press, represented by Jornal dos Sports, the main specialized periodical at the time, in the building of Municipal Stadium in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We start from the hypothesis that such a sports apparatus was only built, in a short space of time, due to the work of journalist Mario Rodrigues Filho in his communication with civil and political society, through his newspaper. We analyzed 40 editions published between 1947 and 1950. A period that included the emergence of the first debates about the construction of a new stadium in the city, reflected in the press, until the eve of the 1950 Football World Cup, the year of its debut. After analyzing the scanned and printed materials, covers and internal statements of the newspaper, it is concluded that the position of Jornal dos Sports was decisive for the construction of the stadium, but did not end with this objective. It collaborated both in the propagation of a national-popular identity in the field of culture, and in economic development, by aligning in journalistic discourse the gigantism of the stadium with the grandeur of the homeland, which achieved a historic feat in a short space of time. The result, in addition to the largest stadium in the world and the contribution to the country's socioeconomic situation, was also the consolidation of Mario Filho, one of the newspaper's leaders, as an inventor of sporting traditions in Rio de Janeiro.


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Author Biography

Rafael Willian Clemente, UFRRJ - PPGCS

Doutor em Ciências Sociais (PPGCS-UFRRJ), Mestre em Ciências Sociais (PPGCS-UFRRJ), Especialista em História do Brasil (PPH-UFF) e Graduado em Hist´´oria (UniFOA) é pesquisador do Observatório Fluminense-UFRRJ e do Grupo de Pesquisa Esporte e Cultura, filiado ao Laboratório de Estudos em Mídia e Esporte (LEME/UERJ).


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How to Cite

CLEMENTE, Rafael Willian. Jornal dos Sports as spokesperson: sports press and the construction of public stadium in Rio de Janeiro (1947-1950). Cadernos UniFOA, Volta Redonda, v. 20, n. 55, p. 1–10, 2025. DOI: 10.47385/cadunifoa.v20.n55.5356. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 mar. 2025.



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