Síndrome de Burnout

como minimizar os impactos nos resultados da organização com a gestão de pessoas?







The general aim of this theoretical essay is to identify strategies to be adopted by organisations in order to avoid Burnout Syndrome. The methodological approach was bibliographical and descriptive. Given the theoretical framework, the main strategies identified for development by the people management sector in order to minimise the impact of Burnout Syndrome on company results were: carrying out a survey of Quality of Life Management indicators in the workplace in order to minimise or eliminate the variables that contribute to employee dissatisfaction and high levels of stress, such as excessive workload, i.e. keeping a check on risk factors with company employees in order to solve them; individual intervention aimed at self-care through adequate rest, nutrition and the development of physical activities and entertainment; psychological support and monitoring. The conclusion is that it is necessary for the people management area to take a strong role in observing the behaviour of each employee in order to identify high and unhealthy levels of dissatisfaction, applying strategies that anticipate the germination of Burnout Syndrome in the organisation


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Author Biographies

Lucimeire da Silva, Doutora em Administração, UNIGRANRIO / Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda, UniFOA

She has a degree in ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES (1990). He specialises in Accounting and Auditing with Higher Education Teaching from Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF and a Master's degree in Economics and Business Management from Universidade Cândido Mendes - UCAM. He completed his doctorate in Business Administration at UNIGRANRIO with a thesis defended and approved in 2018. At the University Centre of Volta Redonda, she was a member of the UniFOA's Own Evaluation Commission (CPA) and works as a lecturer supervising Scientific Initiation Projects, Course Completion Works and teaching. She is the Coordinator of the Course Conclusion Work for UniFOA's Administration Course and a member of the Structuring Teaching Centre (Port. UNIFOA 033/18, 049/21, 038/22 and 120/2023). He has experience in Administration, with an emphasis on Financial and Budgetary Administration, working mainly on the following subjects: planning, performance, results, steelmaking, indicators and economics.

Débora Cristina Lopes Martins, Mestre em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde e do Meio Ambiente, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda - UniFOA

I graduated in Accounting (1995), in Financial Management for Marketing (2004) and specialised in Integrated Marketing Communication (2006) from the Volta Redonda University Centre. I am currently a lecturer at the School of Management and Business and on the Administration course, a member of the Structuring Teaching Centre of the Accounting Course at UniFOA and responsible for the Relationship and Services Sector at the Oswaldo Aranha Foundation. I have a Master's degree in Teaching in Health and Environmental Sciences from UniFOA (2011). Subjects of interest: Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Social and Environmental Responsibility, Opinion Research and Business Planning.

Luciana Porto de Matos, Mestre em Gestão e Estratégia de Negócios pela UFRRJ, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda - UniFOA

Graduated in Business Administration from the University Centre of Barra Mansa - UBM. He has a Master's degree in Business Management and Strategy from UFRRJ and specialises in Human Resources Management. She is currently an assistant professor at the Volta Redonda University Centre - UniFOA. She is also a professor at the University Centre of Barra Mansa - UBM (currently on unpaid leave). She worked as a university lecturer at the Geraldo Di Biase University Centre (UGB) from 2002 to 2008 and, at the same time, worked as an HR analyst in the administrative area. Previous professional activities include teaching at Senac Rio and Senai - Volta Redonda. At the moment, she teaches on the Administration and Accounting programmes at UniFOA. At UBM I have professional teaching experience in the area of Administration, with an emphasis on People Management, particularly Recruitment and Personnel Selection and Training and Development. I have professional experience as a facilitator in T&D, in-company courses at the Eletronuclear Plant in Angra dos Reis, BrasFells, among others. Until July 2018, I was the teacher responsible for the supervised internship of the Higher Technology Course in Human Resources Management and Accounting Sciences. At the moment, I'm still the teacher in charge of the supervised internship for the Administration course at UniFOA. I also worked at SENAC Rio as a professional training monitor in the area of business management. Lecturer on the MBA - Organisational People Management at UniFOA in the subject Contemporary People Management. Currently a member of the NDE - Structuring Teaching Centre of the UniFOA Administration Course. At the moment - 2022, she teaches People Management, Management Skills Development, OSM and Society and Organisations, Organisational Behaviour, Innovation and Creativity. Among other subjects, such as Conflict Management and Negotiation, General Management Theory, Introduction to Management, Principles and Fundamentals of Management, Strategic Planning, ERP, Internal HR Consultancy, Social Responsibility, Studies in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Talent Recruitment, etc. In 2020 and 2021, I took part as a lecturer in "LIVES" in the Administration, Accounting and Design courses at UniFOA. In 2023, lecturer at the School of Management & Business at UniFOA - Volta Redonda University Centre.

Leonardo Rodrigues Evangelista, Graduado em Administração, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda - UniFOA

Graduated in business administration.

Salete Leone Ferreira, Doutora em educação pela Universidade Estácio de Sá, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda - UniFOA

PhD in Education from Estácio de Sá University. I have a master's degree in business administration from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2006). I am currently a lecturer at the Volta Redonda University Centre - UNIFOA . I have experience in the areas of Communication, Human Resources and Administration, with an emphasis on Marketing and Management, working mainly on the following themes/disciplines: marketing; strategy; entrepreneurship; negotiation; corporate education; event organisation; educommunication; new communication technologies; science, technology and society; personal and service marketing; course completion work.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, Lucimeire; CRISTINA LOPES MARTINS, Débora; PORTO DE MATOS, Luciana; RODRIGUES EVANGELISTA, Leonardo; LEONE FERREIRA, Salete. Síndrome de Burnout: como minimizar os impactos nos resultados da organização com a gestão de pessoas?. Cadernos UniFOA, Volta Redonda, v. 18, n. 53, p. 1–7, 2023. DOI: 10.47385/cadunifoa.v18.n53.4687. Disponível em: https://revistas.unifoa.edu.br/cadernos/article/view/4687. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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